Sunday, March 31, 2013


  After my critique of my two propaganda posters, I felt as though I had received very good feedback and I understood what could have been thought out better and worked on. I was afraid that it would be hard to identify my overall "thesis" for the project, but I think it went over better than I expected. I still feel as though my first poster, the one against animal testing, looks unprofessional in a way and could use a different color scheme. Someone commented on the fact that the word "stop" was too small and not bold enough to the reader. Looking back, I completely agree. When I see the word 'stop' on the poster, it does not exactly jump out to me or make me want to 'stop' immediately. I should have used a different font. The second poster was definitely not my strongest piece. I should have changed "medical testing" to "animal testing", because as of now, it appears that I have two different focus areas. Overall, I still feel as though my project needed a bit more focus and I probably should have planned things out a bit more in depth.

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